

Chaturbate is and adult website offering free adult webcams, live sex shows, and free sex chat. Solo webcam models and couples shows range from striptease and masturbation to a variety of sexual activities. Free adult cams categories are broken down to cams by type, cams by age, cams by region, and cams by status. Chaturbate also hosts “private shows” with their Chaturbate token currency. Other than these private shows, viewers are allowed to watch all cams and participate in sex chat for free, but contribute tips in order to have cam models perform specific sex acts that they want to see.

Chaturbate’s free cams are female, male, couple, and trans. Cams by age are Teen Cams (18+), 18 to 21, 20 to 30, 30 to 50, and Mature Cams (50+). Cams by region are North American Cams, Other Region Cams, Euro Russian Cams, Asian Cams, and South American Cams. Cams by status are Exhibitionist Cams, HD Cams, Private Shows, Group Shows, and New Cams. The site is very easy to navigate sorting between all of these categories.

Chaturbate is one of the largest adult cam sites with over 4 million unique visits per month. The site has worldwide membership other than countries that block the site. Chaturbate generates its revenue from advertising, processing on site token purchases by visitors, and raking an estimated 40% of what performers on the site make.

Sign Up
4 OUT OF 5
User Base
4.5 OUT OF 5
Quality of profiles
4.5 OUT OF 5
UX/Ease of use
3.5 OUT OF 5
Dollar value
4.5 OUT OF 5
overall rating
4.2 OUT OF 5
  • Free use is extensive
  • Huge membership base and user variety
  • Supports 15 languages
  • Searching performers is fast and easy
  • Accepts cryptocurrency
  • Heavy advertising
  • Interface is busy
Member Structure
Members: 132 million worldwide members

Gender Distribution

Sign Up/Registration
 Sign up on Chaturbate is completely free, but will require a username, password, email, birthday, and gender in order to create an account. A free account is not even required to search and view free live cams. However, registration is required to purchase tokens used to tip performers for performing specific acts as well as to watch private shows. All in all the sign up process is very quick and simple.

-Sign up is completely free
-Email, birthday, and gender are required
-Free registration required to purchase tokens
-Credit card not required
Non-Member Services
     -Purchase tokens
-Participate in sex chat
-Watch private shows
-Earn free tokens
Member Services
   -Purchase tokens
-Participate in sex chat
-Watch private shows
-Earn free tokens
   Chaturbate is a free cam service, but members can buy tokens to tip performers in order to get them to perform specific sexual acts. Private shows are also purchased with tokens. 1 token costs $0.08 USD. However, various token packages are available and start at 100 tokens for $10.99 with token bonuses given for larger packages. Rates for private shows range from 6 tokens per minute to 90 tokens per minute.

Payment Options:
-Credit Card
-Debit Card
-Wire Transfer
-Money Order
-Certified Check
-Other methods depending on location
Join Chaturbate
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